* Maybe I just needed the weather to change. It’s been in the 60s the past couple of days, real autumn weather, and I’ve been feeling a little more of my accustomed seasonal appreciation. The Hatchling and I had a good day today, getting out the warmer clothes and putting away some of the lightest summer tank tops and shorts, running errands and then stopping by the park to play for a little bit.
* The Hatchling went down the slide ALL BY HERSELF for the first time today. I put her at the top, sitting down, and then went and crouched at the bottom and held out my hands. She grinned a little nervously, but she knew what to do and used the sides of the slide to s-l-o-w-l-y pull herself down until – whee! – she was sliding into my arms. She was both scared and excited, but the excited part won out enough for three more trips down the slide.
* Tomorrow we start our first ECFE class. We’ll go once a week through December. It will be really good for both of us to have a scheduled activity to get us out of the house, especially once it gets cold and gross outside, and I know the Hatchling will love to meet the other kids. This, of course, doesn’t mean that I’m not kind of nervous about tomorrow. Will the other moms be nice? Will I fit in? Will the other kids be nice to my kid? Will there ever come a time when I can breeze effortlessly into new social situations without anxiety? The answer to that last one, I fear, is no: but I can ACT like it’s effortless, anyway, and sometimes that helps.
* Looky, Daddy, a long-time resident of the blogroll (look under “Parental Units”) just sent his twin daughters off to preschool for the first time today. He posted a video reflecting on the experience which is really not to be missed.
* Did you know that in China, kids who aren’t potty-trained yet mostly just wear crotchless pants and do their business wherever they are? This post gives an overview, including some mighty cute pictures of baby butts.
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