Tag Archives: summer solstice

Happy Solstice! Now have a drink.

Strawberry SwingI made up a cocktail! It is so yummy! And frankly, after the insane-in-the-membrane thunderstorms we had around these parts last night, I know a lot of people who could use a drink. (We didn’t sustain any damage, other than a 14-hour power outtage, but there are huge trees down all over the city.) We were out checking the damage in the backyard, and I noticed that the mint was getting a trifle exuberant, and then I remembered the sugared strawberries I had in the fridge (you know, where you slice up strawberries and sprinkle sugar over them and let them sit in the refrigerator overnight?) … and here you go:

Strawberry Swing

  • 2-3 large mint leaves
  • 1 heaping spoonful of sugared strawberries, OR ~2 fresh strawberries (sliced) + 1T simple syrup
  • Hendrick’s gin
  • ginger ale

Muddle the mint leaves and the sugared strawberries (or strawberries + simple syrup) in the bottom of a lowball glass. Add a jigger of Hendrick’s. Add ice. Top it off with ginger ale. Stir, sip, and enjoy. Ahhhh … summer.