Well, I have to admit I’m a little bummed that Palin didn’t totally crash and burn, BUT: I thought Biden knocked this one out of the park. Man, was he in good form – substantive, passionate, pithy, informed, on point. Palin, as far as I could tell, was all platitudes and talking points with a healthy dose of caffeine and “folksiness” thrown on top. When I could even understand what she was saying, it was empty and meaningless, and while she didn’t have that deer-in-the-headlights look that she did during the Couric interview, I can’t imagine that anyone could watch this and NOT understand how much more Biden knows about … like, everything. I have to say, I’m liking Biden more and more as this campaign goes on (not that I didn’t like him before, I just didn’t feel super excited about him). He sure as shit brought his A game tonight. What did you think?
(Also, if you’re interested in some excellent liveblogging of the debate, you can’t do better than Ezra.)