1. A woman at the Atlanta airport kindly patted me on the back, told me my tag was sticking out, and fixed it for me. I’m a sucker for random acts of kindness like that.
2. Unbeknownst to me, that blessed woman who checked me in to my THREE HOUR delayed flight this morning also put me in first class for the leg from Atlanta to Jacksonville. I had never flown first class before, and I was all aflutter.
3. As soon as we got in, we headed right to a down home seafood restaurant where I gorged myself on fried catfish, cheese grits, hushpuppies, slaw, and sweet tea. Can I get an amen?
4. Although I got in too late to visit Mimi today, I did find out something that’s really making me look forward to seeing her tomorrow. She’s in a two person room, and apparently her roommate’s name is … wait for it … Peculia Burg. PECULIA. Y’all, this is why it is so awesome to have a southern heritage. You are NEVER going to meet someone north of the Mason-Dixon line named Peculia.
So things may be looking up.