Friday Video Blogging

How did it get to be Friday already? We just got back from a trip up north to visit Mr. Squab’s mother. Just a quick overnight visit – which was about all we could have managed, given that the Hatchling, she no sleepy so good. Which mean nobody sleepy so good. The culprit? Two-year molars. Because, you know, those are the only teeth she hasn’t already got. But I digest. You need your videos!! This week, we’re going moogalicious.

Striped Balls Meet Polka-Dotted Ball
Awesome moog soundtrack. Plus: how rad is it that you can totally teach a lesson about embracing difference with just BALLS?

Orange Sings Carmen
Moog + Bizet / Citrus = groovetastic. It took the Hatchling a little while to get into this one, but now she’s fascinated. As will you be.

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