Category Archives: writing

6 pages

A little rougher going today. But I’ve (mostly) finished analysis of the final scene of the Shaw play, which is huge. Tomorrow I’ll be working on the conclusion, which Ima predict right now will be on the skimpy side. But so it goes. Then hopefully I can do some revisions on earlier chapters on Thursday and Friday in preparation for sending it off to my long-suffering advisor next week. Oof.

Heading out to a concert later this evening. A nifty little group, perhaps you’ve heard of them: THE POLICE.

OMFG it is going to be so awesome.

Later gators.


OK, I am *trying* to get some goddamn writing done here, and there is a person at the other end of the coffee shop who for some reason feels the need to converse with another patron at a level of approximately ONE BILLION DECIBELS. You know how some people just have naturally piercing voices? Yah. This guy is one of them. Holy FUCK is his voice annoying. Plus he’s talking about, like, his startup business making day-glo orange safety vests or something, and asking this guy, who he clearly doesn’t know personally, all these stupid questions about marketing in a manner that makes it transparent that he’d really like the guy to buy a ton of his damn vests. SHUT UP ALREADY. Jesus, now they’re both amping up the volume. Christ, people, you’re only three feet apart! THEY CAN HEAR YOU IN CANADA.

Grrrrr. Maybe it’s time to take a lunch break.

8 Pages

Eight pages. That’s how much I wrote today. I’m embarking on the final phase of Operation: Finish the Fucker, the fucker in question being my dissertation. My parents are in town for the week to watch the Hatchling so that I can go to my favorite coffee shop from 8-5 and write. I’m working on the last chapter, which deals mainly with a play by George Bernard Shaw, who is, may I just say, a TOTAL BITCH to write about. Just when you think you know what he’s doing in a particular scene, he changes it up on you and does the opposite. Anyhoo, today I finished my analysis of the penultimate scene of the play. Tomorrow I plan on writing my analysis of the final scene and possibly starting on the conclusion. I’ll post what I get done here partly to keep me honest, and partly as an incentive to, you know, Finish the Fucker.

If you felt like sending good writing vibes in my general direction, that would be OK.