Category Archives: updates

Here’s the thing:

When you’ve spent the last two nights up with your daughter, who is sick – AGAIN – with what you’re hoping doesn’t turn into bronchitis, you don’t really have the wherewithal to blog, no matter how much you have to say.


Still Waters

You know how when you were little and your mother or grandmother would tell you “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”?

Yeah … that.

I have a bunch of books I want to review for the blog, and family updates and pictures to post, and at some point there will be bloggy goodness, but right now my Zoloft seems to be set on “maybe you can sleep tonight” rather than “revert to perky ol’ self” so y’all please forgive me if it’s a little taciturn around these parts for a while.

Gone Fishin’

This afternoon I am heading up north with three girlfriends to spend the weekend at a lake cabin. I will eat food without having to share it, read non-board books, drink liquor, and swear a lot. It will be grand. Please send loving thoughts to Mr. Squab, who is staying home with the Hatchling. Have a good weekend!

Civic mucous

Christ, I forgot what it was like to REALLY have a cold. I’ve had some mini-colds this year, some colds-manqué, if you will, but this is my first kick-you-in-the-ass cold in a while, and it SUCKS. I’m slowly recovering, but yesterday I pretty much felt like I was going to die all day long, and you know what’s AWESOME when you feel like death warmed over? Watching a toddler! No, I kid: it really is no fun whatsoever. Fortunately (?) she’s sick, too, so we were both pretty low key. By which I mean we spent a shocking percentage of the day slumped over on the sofa watching Elmo’s World and Teletubbies. Well: the Hatchling watched them and I kind of dozed. Qualitee parenting is my watchword!

Today I felt semi-human, so at 6:30 pm I trekked on over to my polling place and holy CRAP were there a lot of people there! It was pretty cool standing in line with this array of races, classes, ages, backgrounds (I live in a very diverse district), many of whom were caucusing for the first time. Everyone seemed excited to be there, to be participating. The people running the caucus were completely unprepared for the numbers that showed up – they ran out of ballots and had to hand people slips of torn-off paper; they had people signing in on notebooks; they had to quickly move the caucus itself to a larger room to accommodate the crowds. Over 500 people showed up at my caucusing place, and overwhelmingly voted for Obama. (I voted for Clinton, but will very happily vote for Obama in the national election should that be my option.) About 100 people stuck around for the actual caucus, where it was nice (but not too surprising) to see that I live in a pretty progressive district: we passed resolutions in favor of universal health care, increased funding for education, civil unions for gay couples, and abolishing the electoral college (!). All in all, a very satisfying experience in civic duty.

I hab a code

Mucous will be heavy. Posting will be light.

Warning: Self-Indulgent Rant below

So I just called my doctor about getting back on Zoloft for a while. Specifically, until I’m done with my damn degree. Because, y’all: I have been FREAKING OUT about this whole thing. My three primary emotions about my dissertation are fear, anger, and resentment. Fear that I can’t do it, can’t complete it after all this time, fear that it will take too much out of me and I’ll be an empty shell, fear that I just suck too much or don’t care enough or lack the necessary skills/gumption/wherewithal to get the fucker done. And I’m not talking casual kind of “oh, dear” fear: I’m talking TERRIFIED. Like, sitting in front of my computer with my pulse racing, hoping and praying for ANYTHING to come up that I have to attend to so I don’t have to try and write. And forget about calls or emails with my advisor – those both send me practically into myocardial-infarction land.

That is not a functional state of mind, y’all.

And the anger, the anger is so consuming. Why didn’t I wait for a while between my MA and PhD to make sure this was the degree I wanted? Why didn’t I finish the dissertation during the YEAR back in 2000 when I had an extremely light teaching load and specific release time to write? (I went on Prozac that year, because of the stress.) Why didn’t I finish it before I got pregnant? Or before I had a kid? OR AT ANY OF THE MULTIPLE TIMES WHEN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH EASIER??!!

Or there’s the resentment: I resent the time and energy this takes away from my family, I resent that I’m making all this effort for a degree that won’t actually prepare me for the kind of job I ultimately want to get, I resent that I *knowingly* chose an advisor with an extremely hands-off style, because I’m macho like that, and couldn’t admit to myself back then that I need a much more interventionist kind of advising. I resent being in a position where I have to accept all these huge favors from friends and family to help me get it done – not that there’s any doubt the offers are made sincerely and unconditionally, but I HATE being in a position where I need those offers! I resent that this whole process stresses me out to the point that I have to go on prescription anti-crazy meds, simply to function at an every-day level. And wear a mouth-guard when I sleep at night so I don’t grind my teeth down to splintered stubbs. I RESENT.

It’s funny how sitting in front of one’s computer and mentally chanting “I HATE this” over and over again doesn’t exactly produce a flowing literary style. Or much of anything, really, except the occasional fantasy of throwing said computer out one’s second-story window. So, you know, enough already. I mean, at some point it doesn’t matter that I picked the wrong degree or had multiple chances to finish earlier or that my advisor hasn’t been as supportive as I might have hoped. None of that is important. What’s important is, am I going to fish or cut bait? Shit or get off the pot? And I’ve decided that I’m going to fish. Or shit, whichever. (Hopefully the former is a more apt metaphor for the final product.) So, yeah, OK, it’s not on the top ten list of things I’d like to be doing this year. But fuck it. I decided to do it; I’m doing it. There is no “try,” motherfuckers.

Now on with the show

Just got back from dropping my mom off at the airport, after having spent a satisfying afternoon getting pedicures and having lunch out on the town while Mr. Squab watched the Hatchling (and played video games while she was napping). I had my first ever straight-male pedicurist, and he totally put rhinestones on my toes for free. RHINESTONES, BITCHES.

So my week of glorious full-time nannydom has come to a close, and now I have to figure out how to squeeze regular writing time into my normal schedule. Also exercise of some kind, because a) it was one of my new year’s resolutions, 2) it will be a good stress reliever, and third, it should give me additional energy, which I could sorely use. Anyone who has any tips on extending the day beyond its traditional 24-hour boundaries, please contact me.

Oh, and one last thing – thanks to everyone who’s commented or emailed me with support and love. It helps a LOT, and is just one more reason why I heart the interwebz in general and my readers in particular. You guys rock.

OK, seriously.

If the chick sitting kitty-corner from me does not stop loudly macking on her barista boyfriend I AM GOING TO VOMIT.

I’m sure they’re perfectly nice people, I’m happy they’re so in love, it’s fabulous that they can spend the day together, but for christ’s sake GET A ROOM OR SOMETHING. PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO CONCENTRATE OVER HERE.

That is all.

Ironic, or just sucky?

So Mr. Squab just started a new job at a new design firm (he’s a graphic designer). The main reason he left his old firm, where he had a lot of fabulous coworkers, was that they consistently proved themselves unable to pay him adequately for the work they gave him to do. After almost five years, neither his professional pride nor our ever-dwindling bank account could take it, so he moved to this new firm, who’s paying him about 20% more for the exact same position. The ironic/sucky part is that while the switch was made primarily for financial reasons, the timing of the move and the weirdness of payroll conventions means that we’re extremely short of funds, in this, the giving season. Have I mentioned that there are 6 birthdays in my immediate family at the end of November and begining of December, in addition to the holidays? Maybe Mr. Squab can design some really nice looking IOUs. Oy.

You can’t make this shit up

So I’ve mentioned in the past how we live in a somewhat … borderline … neighborhood, right? Everyone on our block (that we’ve met) is really nice, but we’re not far from those meighborhoods that consistently figure in evening news reports for burglary, gunshot wounds, etc. In our optimistic moods, we think of our ‘hood as “up and coming.” And in truth, with the exception of the shooting right outside our house a year and a half ago and the flophouse/dope-den on the next block (that got shut down about a year ago), most of the stuff we deal with is pretty minor. People doing drug deals in cars outside our house; kids egging my stepdad’s BMW; Loud parties spilling into the street. We call the cops; they don’t come until too late; we go to bed. But tonight we had a new experience: drive-by plating. You heard me. We were in the living room multi-tasking (i.e. surfing the web while watching TV) when we heard – and felt – a loud crash like glass breaking. There’s been a spate of burglaries in this area recently, so my first thought was “christ, someone just broke one of our basement windows,” and my second thought was “fuck, I bet someone just broke into my car.” But no; Mr. Squab went outside and all he could find was some broken ceramic pieces on the side of the house. Our backyard neighbor was out looking around, too, and there were similar shards all down his sidewalk. “This isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen in this neighborhood,” he said (he’s lived here 10 years). “It’s a new one on us,” replied Mr. Squab. So we came back in, called the cops, and chalked up another weird moment to urban living.

Drive-by plating. WTF?