Category Archives: sleep

Sunday Poetry Blogging

First Snow
by Louise Glück

Like a child, the earth’s going to sleep,
or so the story goes.

But I’m not tired, it says.
And the mother says, You may not be tired but I’m tired –

You can see it in her face, everyone can.
So the snow has to fall, sleep has to come.
Because the mother’s sick to death of her life
and needs silence.

(I hasten to add that this is not a reflection of my current state of mind; I just like the poem.)

Parenting Trials

So, last week? The week I basically didn’t post anything? Was a really, really rough week, parenting-wise. I don’t know what it is about almost-20-months old, but lately everything is a mommy vs. Hatchling battle, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell regular readers who’s winning. One low point was when I accidentally engineered it so the Hatchling walked face-first into the bookshelf in her bedroom. I was putting her down for a nap, the room was already dark, and I asked her to close the door and come over to me in the rocking chair. Across the room. In the dark. Real smart, no? We’ve done it before with no harm, but Fate wasn’t letting us off that easy again. She misdirected and walked past me into the bookcase. I heard the thump, followed by the howl of pain, grabbed her and rocked and comforted her, and once she’d calmed down I put her down for her nap. When she woke up and I finally saw her with the light on, she had a huge (ok, not that huge, but freakishly large to my guilt-addled mind), oozing, bloody sore on her little button nose. Arrrgh. BAD MOMMY.

But what’s been worse is that, for whatever reason, she was just having a tough week. Not sleeping well, not eating very well, and holy short fuse, batman. If I had a nickel for every meltdown in the last 7 days … okay, I’d have like $1.50, but that’s a lot of meltdowns! And these aren’t your standard, run-of-the-mill tired or hungry or whatever meltdowns. They’re meltdowns with no discernible cause, or with such a minor discernible cause that you think it CAN’T be THAT. I mean, really? You’re going to pitch a fit because you dropped your baby-doll? It’s right there! Just pick it up again! OK, I’ll pick it up again. Jesus, just calm down!! And so forth. While I consider myself a fairly patient person, I’m finding that I do not cope well with tantrums of this sort. I’ve been getting irritated and impatient, and then snappish and generally unpleasant. With a one-year-old, for chrissakes. I mean, she’s ONE. She’s going to have unreasonable tantrums. I knew this going in. Why am I letting it get under my skin? BAD MOMMY.

Part of the reason, I expect, is that I’ve been having some sleep issues again, and sleeplessness tends to deplete one’s reserves of calm for dealing with cranky toddlers. Either I’ve been up too late reading, or when I go to bed on time I have restless, nightmare-ridden sleep. Super fun! So we’re going to throw some pills at that particular problem tonight (not prescription pills, though – did I mention that Mr. Squab’s new insurance doesn’t kick in until next week?) and see if we can adjust our mental attitude this week. Wish me luck.

On the plus side, I actually mailed out almost all of my Christmas cards today. So there’s that, which is nice.

Here’s how it is

Every parent has stuff they bitch about when it comes to their particular child-raising situation. Maybe your kid only eats white foods, or refuses to take baths, or only likes death-metal lullabies. The kids, they’re quirky, and they’re all pre-loaded with sucky habits for parents to fixate on. At the same time, though, most of us are lucky enough to have at least a few things that our kids are really good about. Things we can’t bitch about, or other parents will kill us. Like, maybe your kid knew how to nurse like a champ right from the womb. Or maybe you were in labor for only three hours. Or your kid learned how to read at the tender age of three. For us, at least since the Hatchling has been about 6 months old, the good thing has been sleep. From birth to 6 months, don’t even get me started, because OY. But since around the 6 month mark, she’s pretty much been a champion sleeper. 11-12 hours every night, 2-3 good solid naps during the day, everybody relatively well-rested as a result. Sure, she might have a rough night here and there when she’s sick or sleeping in a strange place, but she’s good about 95% of the time. I realize how lucky we are in this regard. I know several parents who would give critical body parts to science if their kids would sleep as well as the Hatchling does on a regular basis. And I’m not smug about it – we just got lucky in the parenting lottery on this one, and the most we can take credit for is facilitating the sleep by, you know, changing the crib sheets occasionally and making sure the heat is on in the winter.

So I get that I don’t really have any leeway to bitch about this, but I gotta say: it’s been a little rough the past couple of weeks. Last week it was clearly illness-related: a double ear infection on top of croup would make it tough for anyone to sleep well. But the ear-infection is supposed to be gone now, and the croup is definitely over, and yet the Hatchling still woke up 3-4 times last night, two of which were bad enough that we had to get up with her and calm her down and put her back to bed. Like, at 2:30 in the morning. And then again at 5:00. And again, I know there are lots of parents for whom this is a fairly normal occurence, and to these parents I say: you are better people than I am. Because a few nights like this after close to a YEAR of good sleeping and I am getting pretty strung out. Is it her molars? The legendary 18-month sleep regression? Pure cussedness? I don’t know, but I sure am glad we’re going to the doctor this week because, let’s be honest here, I am a total pussy when it comes to sleep. And I NEED SOME.


Last night, I slept for nearly 11 hours. Please keep your fingers crossed that this is the start of a new pattern.

Not dead; merely resting

Sorry for the lack of postage this week. Just haven’t had the gumption to put anything in blogular form. Instead, how ’bout some bullets?

– Took the Hatchling for her very first visit to Urgent Care on Labor Day. Considering she’s almost 17 months old, I’d say that’s not too bad. The cause: we suspected that she dislocated her elbow while Mr. Squab was swinging her a bit too enthusiastically by the arms. In the course of diagnosing the problem over the phone with the doctor, they told us to extend her arm and turn her palm upright to see if that hurt. It did, all right, but it apparently ALSO fixed the problem, because by the time we had her signed in at the Urgent Care clinic she was running around the waiting room entertaining all the kids who were actually ailing by smiling, saying “HI!” in her usual enthusiastic manner, twisting, going down on all fours, balancing on her head and lifting one leg in the air, etc. Of course, we still had the doctor take a look at her, but she was totally fine, the little bugger.

– The insomnia seems to be getting better, slowly. I’ve gone to sleep no later than 1 am for the last three nights in a row, which is a damn sight better than the 3:30, 4:30, and 5:30 am times I was doing last week. Thank you, Atavan and Tylenol PM.

– It’s supposed to be in the 60s and 70s this weekend. WOOOT!

– I can’t believe I only got 80% on this. On the other hand, can you beat me?
80%The Movie Quiz – Movie Reviews

Something’s Gotta Give

You know you’re really feeling the effects of two weeks’ nonstop insomnia when, with your one-year-old strapped in the back seat, you go the wrong way down a one-way street while on a routine trip you’ve made countless times, and don’t realize it until the SECOND person honks and yells out their window at you. Yikes.

Random Tidbits + Friday Videos

1. The Hatchling loves her crib so much it’s not even funny. During the day, when she wakes up from her naps, her favorite thing to do is stay in her crib after I’ve turned on the lights and writhe around with her blanket and a few board books while I watch her and talk to her from the rocking chair. I can’t really argue with her. It’s a soft, cushy, safe space; she can bounce and wriggle and flop to her heart’s content all with a captive (doting) audience. Who WOULDN’T like that?

2. IKEA is teh awesome. I know this isn’t exactly breaking news, but I just thought I’d reiterate. The Hatchling’s hand-me-down highchair gasped its final gasp this week, so we made an IKEA run for a cheapo replacement. We parked in the family-friendly parking space (close to the doors!), ate at the family-friendly cafeteria (cheap kids meals! free bibs! a kids’ play area!), and then went to pick up our $25-yet-still-kind-of-cool-looking high chair. Then we came home and the Hatchling “helped” me put the chair together by carrying the legs to different secret locations all over the first floor of the house. Good times.

3. For much of the summer, the Hatchling has been sleeping until 8:30-9 in the morning, a welcome change from her previous 7:00 am waking time. But this morning she really outdid herself. We put her to bed early last night, around 7:00 pm, and I woke from a bad dream at 10:23 this morning and she was STILL ASLEEP. TEN TWENTY-THREE! And she would’ve slept longer, but I was freaked out that she was dead and so I went in and woke her up. She seemed fine; her usual cheerful, busy self. But Jesus – that’s 15 1/2 hours of solid sleep! Plus, I just put her down for a nap! I can’t decide if I should worry that she’s got some bizarre form of narcolepsy or just shut my yap and thank my lucky stars for having such a good sleeper. Thoughts?

4. Here’s the video recommendation of the week. Blow, baby, blow!


What’s nice about MY baby, is that, on the morning after her mamala has had insomnia until 3:30 in the morning (an alarmingly frequent occurrence of late), the Hatchling decided to sleep in until NINE THIRTY. Whoa. Of course, this means that her schedule will be all out of whack for the rest of the day, but lawsy it was nice to get those few extra hours of shut-eye this morning. Hoo.

The difference between one and two

How one toddler indicates she is ready for her afternoon nap:

Toddler: Man, I am tired. My eyes feel kind of itchy. I better rub them. Also, I hate all these toys. I will push them away from me, they are so stupid. God, I feel like crap. Maybe if I bury my head in Mama’s lap and whimper she can fix it.

Mama: OK, someone’s ready for naps. Should we fix you a bottle? Let’s go.

Bottle is made. Nap ensues. All is well.

How two toddlers indicate that they are ready for their afternoon naps:

Toddler 1: Man, I am tired. I can’t even take these toys anymore. I’m just going to sit here and cry until I feel better.

Toddler 2: OK, I was already getting sort of sleepy, and that other kid’s racket is NOT helping. She was fine when we were playing and stuff but now she’s just getting on my last nerve. I’m going to start crying, too, and see if that helps.

Toddler 1: Dude, if YOU start crying that just makes me want to cry harder! This is not helping! I need some cuddles!

Mama: OK, honey, let’s pick you up. You’re OK, you’re just tired. You’re OK.

Toddler 2: What the hell? Now she’s crying louder! That makes ME cry louder! And Harder! MAMAAAA!

Mama: Oh, my goodness, two sad girls! Come on, one on one side and one on the other, let’s rock a little bit. You’re OK, it’s OK, calm down, calm down …

Toddler 1: All this noise is seriously freaking me out! Make it stop!

Toddler 2: OMG I cannot take this! I have snot all over my face and I think I might throw up I’m crying so hard! Make it stop!!

Mama: OK, let’s try this: here, Toddler 1, you have your nuk. (Crying of Toddler 1 instantly stops.) Toddler 2, let’s go make a bottle. Everyone is going to be OK. (Toddler 2 slowly calms down.)

Bottle is made, Toddler 2 goes down. Toddler 1 is rocked until her eyes close and then she is put down. Naps ensue. All is well.

So, you know. Just a SLIGHT difference.

(But really, we’re having a blast. This was just a minor eruption.)

A Whole New World

So I mentioned that I have a “nanny” this week, meaning that for the first time I’m spending entire days away from the Hatchling. But did I also mention that we’re having our roof re-shingled this week? Cos we are. It was loooooong overdue – we knew when we bought the place a year ago that it would need re-roofing PDQ – but the coincidence of the roofing happening at the same time as the mamala being away had made me somewhat fearful about the Hatchling’s naps this week. I mean, not only would she be put down and got up by a completely different (if beloved) person, but also: the POUNDING. And the walking on the roof. And the pneumatic nail gun. And did I mention the POUNDING? The fact that when I asked the contractor what the loudest part would be he looked at me like I was speaking Esperanto and said “it’s all loud, ma’am; maybe you should have the baby sleep downstairs” did nothing to restore my confidence.

I had nothing to worry about, of course. The Hatchling, who in the past has been known to wake up if I sneeze two floors down and three rooms over from her*, has slept like … well, like a baby! through all of the roofing madness. Thumps and bangs that make me jump – and I’m awake, mind you – she has snoozed through with great aplomb. Not only that, but the other night we misplaced the phone handset and hit the pager button twice and called it from our mobile phones three times before realizing that it had been left in the nursery. The pager beeping is LOUD, peeps, and we have the ringer set fairly high. But the baby, she no hear nothing. It’s pretty awesome, I tell you what. Sniff. Our little light sleeper is growing up!

*Admittedly, my sneezes are legendarily loud. But still.