Category Archives: quizzes and lists


Love this. LOVE IT.

  • Cocodissimulatio Charm: Causes any food to taste like chocolate.
  • Mucosus Recessum Charm: Causes nasal excretions to withdraw into a person’s nose.
  • Ursinvenio Charm: When applied to a teddy bear or other stuffed animal, causes it to emit a loud growling sound when lost.
  • Expecto Progenitum Spell: An elaboration of the Accio Summoning Charm, this spell causes one’s child to appear. Unclear at what distance this works or if it can operate using the Floo network or Portkeys.
  • Fabulam Repetopeto Charm: Causes a book to read itself out loud over and over. Skillful wizards can make it inaudible to themselves.
  • Vestitus Prudens Spell: Makes the victim appear to be wearing long pants and a sweater, although the person is unaware of the change.
  • Immotus Spell: A lesser version of Petrificus Totalus, this stops victims from fidgeting, though they can still move slowly.
  • Altitudo Monitio Charm: Causes flashing lights and a loud hooting sound to occur whenever the victim is near a dropoff like a staircase or cliff.
  • Odoratum Desisto Charm: Removes the smell from an object.
  • Dormitus Spell: Makes the victim fall asleep. An advanced spell, mastered by only a few.

Now if I could just find my wand …

Eight Random Facts About Me

I got tagged, yo. Here’re your random facts:

1. I am 1/16th Cherokee. (On my father’s side.)

2. I’m directly descended from Martin Luther’s sister. (On my mother’s side.) Yeah, THAT Martin Luther.

3. In grad school, I tended bar at a small party attended by Marcel Marceau, and at the end of the night he called me a “lovely girl” and kissed me on both cheeks. (Funny tidbit: Marcel Marceau could talk the hind leg off a donkey. I mean, he is a TALKER. Perhaps a side effect of his chosen profession?)

4. I think cilantro tastes like rancid soap. This has ruined many a meal for me at Mexican restaurants.

5. When I was five, my godfather bought me a recording of the opera Hänsel und Gretel for a birthday present. It was one of my favorite records growing up.

6. I have never been able to make it all the way through Citizen Kane without falling asleep. Maybe this is because I only try to watch it at one in the morning after going out drinking and/or toking up with friends.

7. There are currently eight large bookcases in my house, filled to capacity with my books, and I have about 6 more boxes of books that I haven’t even unpacked yet. I do not consider this to be a problem.
8. I have a thing about frogs. I dig them, and they’ve kind of become my totem animal. It started with Kermit, and expanded to all things froggy. My collection includes frog mugs, knickknacks, bookends, stuffed animals, candle holders, soap dispensers, earrings, pajamas, pens, and even the Chinese symbol for frog tattooed on my ankle.

OK, now for my tag-ees: Questionable, Christopher, Shan, ShabbyDoll, Matt, Ali, Clarence, Sriracha. Go check ’em out!

Daily Index

Number of explosive, no really, I mean EXPLOSIVE, diapers changed today: 3.

Diapers changed, total: 6.

Close calls with toddler climbing up, behind, or around various parts of the house: 4.

Cheddar-flavored Sesame Street character-imprinted crackers strewn about the carpet: approx. twelvety billion.

Requests by two toddlers to be held/snuggled/paid attention to: constant.

At the same time: ditto.

Final Score: toddlers – 1,000,000; Squab – 0.

Alphabet Meme

As seen at Brazen Hussy’s (a while ago!)

A- Available or Single? No.
B- Best Friend? Mr. Squab, Ms. Kerri, and those folks over there on the “Friends of Squab” blogroll.
C- Cake or Pie? Pie. Fruit Pie.
D- Drink of Choice? Red wine or iced tea.
E- Essential Item? Books.
F- Favorite Color? Green.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Bears.
H- Hometown? Athens, GA.
I- Indulgence? Shoes, handbags, and spa treatments.
J- January or February? January. I fucking hate February!
K- Kids and names? Daughter: Eleanor Johanna, aka the Hatchling.
L- Life is incomplete without…? A sense of humor.
M- Marriage Date? June 8, 2002.
N- Number of Siblings? Five. Top THAT!
O- Oranges or Apples? Honeycrisp apples.
P- Phobias/Fears? Falling down the stairs, spiders and centipedes, loved ones dying.
Q- Favorite Quote? I’m not much of a quote-y person, but here’s a good one from Twain: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
R- Reasons to smile? Mr. Squab’s vicious sense of humor. The Hatchling’s attempts at feeding herself.
S- Season? Autumn.
T- Tag 3 people? Topher, ShabbyDoll, St. Pauly Girl
U- Unknown Fact About Me? I failed 5th grade Language Arts. And 8th grade Home Ec. Fucking sewing project.
V- Vegetable You Hate? Okra. Disgusting.
W-Worst Habit? Stressing myself out more than necessary over things that need doing.
X- Xrays You’ve Had? Uterine area, wrist.
Y- Your Favorite Foods? In no particular order – Curry, potstickers, garlic chicken alfredo, naan, palak paneer, hummus, tuna melts, cheese grits, fried catfish, my mom’s potato salad, cherry pie, creme brulee … dammit, now I’m getting hungry!
Z- Zodiac? Leo with Gemini rising.

My Visual DNA

(via Questionable)


This is hilarious. Unfortunately, they don’t give you the correct answers at the end, but still: if *I* can get 85% …

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Rate Your Life

Seen many places. I rate above average for everything except body and finances. Which is about right. What’s your rating?

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 7.2
Mind: 7
Body: 5.5
Spirit: 7.8
Friends/Family: 7.7
Love: 9.1
Finance: 6
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Not much of a surprise, really.

Your ‘Do You Want the Terrorists to Win’ Score: 100%

You are a terrorist-loving, Bush-bashing, “blame America first”-crowd traitor. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms. By all counts you are a liberal, and as such cleary desire the terrorists to succeed and impose their harsh theocratic restrictions on us all. You are fit to be hung for treason! Luckily George Bush is tapping your internet connection and is now aware of your thought-crime. Have a nice day…. in Guantanamo!

Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

(via St. Pauly Girl)

Hmmmm …

Born and raised in the southeast + middle and adult years in the upper midwest = northeast accent? Say wha?

What American accent do you have?

Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.


The Midland


The Inland North

The West

The South

North Central

What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

OK, for some reason the red bars won’t show in blogger, but take the quiz anyway – it’s interesting.

Xtreem Xmas

Wanna know the reason I haven’t been posting so much this week? Because, and I’m not even lying, I’ve been working on the Hatchling’s Christmas list. I know it’s (as the cute overload gals would say) tewtelly redonkulous, but my family takes Chrismas VERY SERIOUSLY. We start putting our lists together in early October, after the creation of the yearly sibling gift-giving matrix. Yeah, that’s right. I said matrix. We open our presents on Christmas morning, like god intended, and woe betide the child who goes into the living room to spy the Santa presents before everyone is up. Of course, no one would do that anyway, because then you’d miss reading the letter from Santa, written in response to the one we leave him every year with his milk (or scotch) and cookies. Did I mention that we’re all over 25? The proceedings can be a bit intimidating for newcomers to the family, but after you get used to it, it’s actually pretty fun. It being the Hatchling’s first Christmas and all, I figure people are going to go insane with the gifts anyway, so why not give them the appropriate tool with which to do so? Plus, I’m just a tad on the nerdy-obsessive side when it comes to list-making. Ahem. So anyway, after a week’s worth of work, I’ve crafted a veritable color catalog of wishlists. There are pictures of every item, and both pictures and text link to online sites where said items can be purchased. There are options at every price range, and the gifts run the gamut from the practical to the purely whimsical. The whole thing is in PDF form, of course, for maximum accessibility. Really, it’s a thing of beauty. Now I just need to start on my own.