“The Washington Post has a nice fact-check piece on Sarah Palin’s claim Alaska produces “nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.” This, it turns out, is not true. It’s not near true. It’s not good friends with true. It doesn’t go to parties with true, and occasionally sleep with true when it gets lonely. Rather, it’s false.”
What you could look at while I’m too stopped up to blog:
1. Ballotpedia should come in extremely handy this autumn.
2. The public school system, in case you were unaware, is totally FUBAR. I would love to see either of the presidential candidates address this in a meaningful way. But I ain’t holding my breath.
Posted onJune 18, 2008|Comments Off on Linky Bits for Hump Day
Welcome, Shakesville pilgrims. Hope you like what you see. Here are some things to read/watch since I’m not writing today:
1. This is possibly the snarkiest movie review EVER. I mean, this guy commits to the snark.
2. So, I cried like a baby during Hillary’s I’m-stepping-down speech, and I was both surprised at myself and a little embarrassed to admit it, because most of my friends and family are Barack supporters and I thought they’d make fun of me or think I was silly. But fuck it, you know? It was a motherfucking good speech, and there is much to mourn in her stepping down. Anyway, New York Magazine has several articles on HRC in their latest issue; Tennessee Guerilla Women have a rundown on what’s worth reading and what isn’t.
4. One of my former coworkers just got married to his longtime partner in San Francisco, and they covered it in the Strib. Check out the photo gallery, too. This totally made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
5. Speaking of warm and fuzzy feelings, if this video of the Hatchling and her friend at the zoo doesn’t make you a little gooey YOU’RE DEAD INSIDE:
Posted onJune 7, 2008|Comments Off on Cutest. Book. Ever.
I just found this new-ish Web 2.0 app, Lookybook, which I foresee using the crap out of over the next few years. They’ve scanned a ton of picture books into their server – not just excerpts, a la Amazon, but whole entire books – so you can preview them before you buy them. So extremely cool – because who has time to peruse picture books at the bookstore when your two-year-old is threatening to demolish the entire CD section? This site has lots of ways to search, and you can collect books on your personal bookshelf so you remember them, and … well, me likey, is what I’m saying. Here’s a book I found on the site that I have got to get for our library, because HOLY LIFE-THREATENING CUTENESS. Check it (click the eyes in the upper-right corner for a bigger verison):
This fascinating NPR story on different ways of dealing with transgender kids. Also look at the Q&A with two of the psychologists mentioned. I find the traditional approach (trying to make kids more ‘comfortable’ in their current gender by forbidding them to express other behaviors) kind of appalling, frankly – both politically and psychologically. I hope the trend moves in a more accepting direction.
The Test for Husbands and Wives is both hilarious and depressing. I have to say, Mr. Squab would score MUCH higher on this than I would. Which is, I guess, a sign of progress?
I love Ricky Gervais, Gordon Ramsay, and juvenile humor, so this is pretty much the perfect clip:
"Elise Robinson [that's me!] brings to the conversation her witty and joyful mix of academia and traditional theater into the context of 'communication.'"