Category Archives: holidays

Xtreem Xmas

Wanna know the reason I haven’t been posting so much this week? Because, and I’m not even lying, I’ve been working on the Hatchling’s Christmas list. I know it’s (as the cute overload gals would say) tewtelly redonkulous, but my family takes Chrismas VERY SERIOUSLY. We start putting our lists together in early October, after the creation of the yearly sibling gift-giving matrix. Yeah, that’s right. I said matrix. We open our presents on Christmas morning, like god intended, and woe betide the child who goes into the living room to spy the Santa presents before everyone is up. Of course, no one would do that anyway, because then you’d miss reading the letter from Santa, written in response to the one we leave him every year with his milk (or scotch) and cookies. Did I mention that we’re all over 25? The proceedings can be a bit intimidating for newcomers to the family, but after you get used to it, it’s actually pretty fun. It being the Hatchling’s first Christmas and all, I figure people are going to go insane with the gifts anyway, so why not give them the appropriate tool with which to do so? Plus, I’m just a tad on the nerdy-obsessive side when it comes to list-making. Ahem. So anyway, after a week’s worth of work, I’ve crafted a veritable color catalog of wishlists. There are pictures of every item, and both pictures and text link to online sites where said items can be purchased. There are options at every price range, and the gifts run the gamut from the practical to the purely whimsical. The whole thing is in PDF form, of course, for maximum accessibility. Really, it’s a thing of beauty. Now I just need to start on my own.

Ships Ahoy!

It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties. Parent Hacks has a great set of links to pirate books and other paraphernalia to get your kids in the mood. Fun stuff.

Labor Day Jaunt

One of the best things about living in Minneapolis is the park system. Minneapolis has more lakes in the Metro area than probably any other big city in the US, and the parks system takes full advantage of them. Instead of letting developers plunk McMansions down along the shorelines, all the bigger lakes are open to the public, most with beautiful parks or gardens alongside. With the exception of Lake Harriet, which I used to live right by, I never took much time to explore the lakes before the arrival of the Hatchling. But having a baby is a wonderful excuse to get out of the house and go on a walk, and some of my best memories of these first months are the weekly walks we take around various lakes with my friend P and her baby. I love getting to know the city better, the lakes are beautiful, and it’s great to get out and stretch my legs with the young ‘un.

The only downside is that Mr. Squab almost never gets to go along. During the week he’s at work, and on weekends we’re either travelling somewhere, or we have projects planned, or it’s raining. Yesterday, though, the wee one was being fractious and couldn’t settle down, so we decided to head out to Lake Nokomis for a stroll. It was a gorgeous day, there was a nice breeze coming off the lake, and everyone was out. The Hatchling had a great time people-watching, and got to wiggle her little bare toes in the grass. It was just a short outing, but it was one of those days that you remember for a long time. Hope your Labor Day was equally pleasant!

Daddy and Daughter by Lake Nokomis