Category Archives: holidays

Cookies I have baked

It’s baking season, y’all. This past weekend I made:

Gingerbread cookies (approx. twelvety billion)
Domino cookies* (about 5 dozen)
White chocolate dipped pretzels (a bag’s worth)
Dough for sugar cookies

Rolling out, cutting out, baking and decorating said sugar cookies
Bourbon Balls

I do not mess around with the Christmas baking. Now here’s my great-grandmother’s sugar-cookie recipe. These are so damn good it’s probably illegal.

Oma’s Sugar Cookies

4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Mix these all together and set aside.

1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
Beat butter, sugar, and egg together until light. Mix in sour cream and vanilla. Add flour mixture and mix well. Chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours or overnight. Roll out chilled dough to 1/4 inch thick and cut into shapes. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until edges are just beginning to brown. Frost with sour cream frosting: 1/2 lb. powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon sour cream.

* You know: Club crackers sandwiched with peanut butter and then dipped one side in dark chocolate and one side in white chocolate. To quote Mr. Squab, “they pretty much have everything you could want.”

This is just to say

… that my brother is getting married this weekend, and relatives have already started arriving, and so posting will probably be nonexistant until Sunday at the earliest. BUT, I wanted to state for the record that trick-or-treating with two precocious one year olds is pretty much the cutest thing ever. The Hatchling actually got the hang of the routine after about two houses, and would stand waiting for me or her daddy to ring the doorbell, then wait for the person to come out and exclaim over how cute she was, at which point she would strategically smile and babble while carefully approaching the candy bowl. She didn’t quite get the whole transfer-of-candy-from-bowl-to-bag concept; she just put her candy back in the original bowl about 75% of the time, but since we’re not letting her eat any of it anyway, who cares? BFF Fi, meanwhile, provided comic relief by occasionally taking a header into the lawn or onto various porches and then continuing on as if nothing had happened. Best of all: one-year-olds are too little to whine about how much candy they’re allowed to eat (aka none, see above). All in all, quite enjoyable.

You are not even PREPARED for the cuteness

The Hatchling, Mr. Squab and I went to Como Park’s ZooBoo on Sunday with some friends, thanks to some free tix from Questionable. (Thanks, Q!) There were hordes of becostumed children, dressed as everything you can imagine: fairies and princesses, animals of all descriptions, superheroes, Star Wars folk, dinosaur-kids and shark-babies galore. You will be pleased, but of course not surprised, to know that the Hatchling and her BFF Fi were hands down the cutest ones there. We trick-or-treated all through the zoo and got to meet lots of characters stationed at different points. Some of the characters were a little scary for the littler kids … and of course these were the ones the Hatchling gravitated to. The huge orangutan in the crazy jack-o-lantern shirt? She wanted to talk to him forever. The incredibly freaky (and well done) Darth Maul? She just loooooved him, giving him lots of grins and a high five. (Which he was tentative about even offering, since I think most of the kids that had passed him had freaked right out.) So … I guess she’s a theatre kid? Anyway, here are some of the pix. (**Warning: Managment cannot be held responsible for possible comas or cute overloads resulting from the viewing of these photos. Scroll down at your own risk.**)

The costume shot (while waiting for the shuttle to the zoo):
Waiting for the shuttle

Meeting the “Orangutan”:
Meeting the Orangutan

The other cutest baby there:
Pretty Fiona

Taking a little break from the crowds:
Taking a little break

Playing extremely cute peekaboo:
Baby bug

Happy 4th of July

Got 2 pages done today, plus a solid outline of the conclusion. Which, considering that I was dancing my butt off at the Police concert until 11:30 last night, is really about as much as I hoped to do. (I’ll try to post some more detailed thoughts on the concert later.) Plus, it’s the freaking 4th! Why are you even READING this? Get outside and grill something, dammit!

PS – Happy Birthday, Mellie! Way to rock 26 years.

Mother’s Day

Yeah, so I’m a little late posting these felicitations. What can I say? My own daughter decided to show her appreciation for my mothering skills by getting the sniffles and then a fever which rendered her woebegone and snuggly in the extreme.

But I digress. It’s Mother’s Day, and while lord knows one day isn’t near enough, let us nonetheless take a moment to send a little shout out to all the moms we hold near and dear. WOOT.

Here is a most excellent mama poem by one Lucille Clifton:


i don’t promise you nothing
but this
what you pawn
i will redeem
what you steal
i will conceal
my private silence to
your public guilt
is all i got

first time a white man
opens his fly
like a good thing
we’ll just laugh
laugh real loud my
black women

when they ask you
why is your mama so funny
she is a poet
she don’t have no sense

And, for you visual learners, did you know that CafePress has almost 15,000 mama-related designs? Ye gods! There are several good ones, but my favorite would have to be this, which I think I need to get in onesie form (for the kid, for the kid):

(x-posted at my other nest)

Happy New Year!

Xmas Elf

Here’s hoping 2007 is a good one. Regular posting will resume tomorrow.


When we were little, my mom used to entertain me and my sister by showing us how to cut out snowflakes to decorate the windows over Christmas break. And here’s why I love the internets: there’s an online version! Lookit what I made:

Try it. It’s addictive.

Mmmm … Turkey

One of the best side-benefits of being a SAHM is that I’ve started cooking again, which I enjoy quite a bit. We hosted the family for Thanksgiving this year, and I went all out (with some ample assistance from my sister and stepmom). Here’s what we had:

Pumpkin Bread
Chex Mix
Cheese Ball and Crackers
Hot Cider

Corn Bread Dressing
Boiled Shrimp with Pink Sauce
Sweet Potato, Apple and Cranberry Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Cream Cheese Corn
Collard Greens
Hard Rolls
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Cranberry Relish
Various Wines

Bourbon Pumpkin Cheesecake
Apple Pie with Ice Cream
Hot Cider

Don’t you wish you’d been at our house?

Anybody want a fun-sized Snickers?

So, we have a lot of kids in our neighborhood. A few surly teenagers, but mostly the under-10 set. The family that lives across the street from us has about 6 kids all on their own, and there are several other big families on the block, not to mention the standard 2.7 kid families like our next door neighbors. So I was expecting a fair number of trick-or-treaters for Halloween. Minneapolis is a pretty trick-or-treaty town; in past years we’ve gone to friends’ houses and been inundated with small pumpkins, witches, and monsters demanding sugared loot. Not wanting to risk the embarrassment of running out of candy – heaven forfend! – I stockpiled a considerable quantity and variety of halloween goodies. I got the primo stuff, too – none of your crap dum-dums or those weird peanut butter taffy things. I’m talking Hersheys, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Almond Joy, KitKat – and Skittles and Starburst for the non-chocolate crowd. And you know how many trick-or-treaters we got? Ten. Ten! Ten lousy trick-or-treaters. Sure, they were cute and all, and the Hatchling enjoyed answering the door with me, and we didn’t get any of those “trick-or-treaters” who are taller than me and whose “costume” consists of a backwards baseball cap, baggy jeans and zits. (Mr. Squab hates those trick-or-treaters. He figures if you can shave, it’s probably time to quit asking for free candy.) But just ten! WTF? And what the hell am I going to do with all this candy?

Je Presente

I mean, seriously. Has there ever BEEN a cuter Halloween frog?

Cutest frog EVAR

No. No, there has not.