Category Archives: good times

Weekend Report

What happened this weekend:

1. The Hatchling got a vicious cold. Much mucous ensued.

2. Mr. Squab got the Hatchling’s vicious cold. Even more mucous, and much sneezing.

3. Said colds notwithstanding, we hosted a dinner party. I swear to god, until I graduated from college, my vision of adult life consisted largely of throwing dinner parties. I dunno if my parents threw an unusual number of them when I was little, but they definitely loom large in my memory – falling asleep to the pleasant sound of adults socializing outside my bedroom door, or crashing on the guest bed of one of my parents’ friends, and being sleepily carried to the car when it was time to go home. My generation doesn’t tend to throw dinner parties so much. We’re more of a backyard barbecue, happy hour, game night or movie night kind of crowd – more casual, bigger groups. But sometimes it’s nice to socialize with just a few couples at a time, I tell you what. The meal could have been better (yet another skill that suffers from toddlerus interruptus), but the wine was yummy, the dessert was sinful, and the conversation was just dandy.

4. I got the Hatchling these shoes on summer clearance. Aren’t they just the CUTEST?

Baby Crocs

Friday Video Blogging

It was a lovelygorgeousbeautiful day today, so the Hatchling and I decided to go to our favorite park and look at the flowers and play in the fountains. Er … with the fountains. At the fountains? Anyway, Mr. Squab joined us after work, which totally blew the Hatchling’s mind – Daddy! In the park! Whoa! She showed her pleasure at his company by generously feeding him bits of fresh grass. Enjoy:


So. I’m officially 36 years old. So far it seems a lot like 35, I’ll be honest. On the day itself (Thursday), Mr. Squab and I went out on a FABULOUS date. First we went to Pierre’s Bistro in southwest Minneapolis. OMFG, do they ever make some good food. Like, lean your head against the wall and take a moment to recover kind of good. We had artichokes au gratin to start, all buttery and cheesy and garlicky over crusty bread. Then I had a fillet of salmon encrusted with kalamata olives, served over a bed of wilted spinach with tomato compote. Christ, my heart is beating faster just THINKING about it. Then we finished with the triple cremes brulees sampler: vanilla, chocolate, and espresso creme brulee. Oh, with wine and coffee at the appropriate intervals. I mean, I’m sure it cost about what we spend on a week’s groceries and was probably a couple of days’ worth of calories and fat, but FUCK IT. It was my birthday, and lord, it was worth it.

Then we went to the movie theatre and saw The Bourne Ultimatum, which was the most satisfying movie I’ve seen all summer. What could be better after an orgasmic meal than watching Matt Damon run his ass off all over Europe and NYC? Nothing, that’s what. Mighty good times.

So a lovely birthday, followed by an equally lovely family celebration on Saturday, at which I got, among other presents, the first DVD of Sesame Street Old School, and the second season of The Muppet Show. For me. The Hatchling can watch them, too, I guess, if she’s good. Because what’s the point of entering the second half of your fourth decade if you can’t relive the joyous TV experiences of your first?

OMG Ponies!!1!

This weekend was a study in contrasts, child-entertainment-wise. On Saturday, we went with some friends to Rosefest, a celebration of the founder of the Minneapolis parks system that took place in our old neighborhood. It was a little sad being back in the old nabe, because holy crap is it a nicer locale than our current one. I miss living there. But it was great fun to take the Hatchling to a community fair. There were a lot of attractions that she won’t enjoy until she’s older (those inflatable bouncy rooms, a dunk tank, etc.) but there were also some that were right up her alley. The big red fire engine was almost as fun to look at as the kids milling around. There were brats and roasted corn to eat, antique cars to look at, and free ice cream sandwiches. Holla! But the BEST thing was the pony rides. They had one of those live pony carousel things set up, and we went to check it out, figuring the girls would enjoy looking at the ponies even though they were too small to ride them. We stood there ogling and after a few minutes the man who was in charge came over and said “what’s the hold up?” We laughed and said we were just saying how sad we were that the girls were too little to have a ride. The man said “pshaw,” (possibly the only time I have actually heard that expression in real life) and said he’d had babies as young as 4 months old ride – parents could just walk along side, and it was no problem. Well. We weren’t about to let ourselves be outdone by stinking 4-month-olds, so both dads grabbed their girls and hoisted them up onto a pony. The babies were enchanted, both by the ponies and by being on a rid with big kids. It was pretty much teh awesome. Check out the Hatchling’s riding technique:

Look, Ma! No Hands!

So that was the classic fun of the weekend – and I can’t WAIT to go to more fairs with the Hatchling as she gets older – but that evening we engaged in some entertainment that was a little more post-millennium. We’ve been enjoying the wonders of YouTube, specifically the gloriousness that is classic Sesame Street clips. As a first-generation Sesame Streeter, I of course look down on some of these upstart newfangled characters like Elmo. I was watching when Mr. Hooper was on, yo. When Mr. Snuffalupagus could only be seen by Big Bird, and no one else believed he was real. HARD CORE. I don’t think they even show 2/3 of the clips I grew up with anymore, but thanks to YouTube, I can still share them with the Hatchling. (Or spend hours watching them myself after she’s in bed. Whatever.) She’s still not old enough to appreciate most of them, but there are a few segments she totally gets a kick out of. This one is her hands-down favorite right now:

And, as a bonus, here’s MY favorite:


Two Small Things

First: I totally love you guys for being so supportive as I put up post after post bitching about my progress. You have no idea how much it helps.

Second: (Drumroll please …)




Okay, I’m not really *completely* done: my conclusion is all of about 5 pages now, so that will need massive expansion, and I have a ton of revisions to do on every chapter. But I’m officially done with a solid draft of THE ENTIRE THING. Jesus fucking CHRIST it took me a long time to get here. It would be embarrassing if I weren’t so damn happy to be at this point.

Right. I’m going home, where I will get Mr. Squab to make me a strong beverage of the alcoholic type. Later, bitchez.


This past weekend we got a last-minute invite to spend some time at a fabulous cabin on a beautiful lake with some wonderful friends and their two adorable children. Needless to say, we jumped at the chance. The weather was absolutely perfect all weekend long, and it was the most relaxing “vacation” we’ve had since the Hatchling arrived. I think it was being with another couple with small kids that made it less stressful, oddly. I love my family to death, but we’re the only ones with a baby right now, and, you know: babies can be sort of a pain in the ass. Especially if they’re not yours. They have different schedules than most adults, and they need attention all the time, and you have to make all these adjustments when you’re around them. This always makes me feel a little stressed when we travel places; I devote a lot of energy – far more than necessary, I know – to being as little trouble for the people we’re with as possible. But this weekend was different. With two other small kids in addition to the Hatchling, all the adults were used to making accommodations for the little ones. It was like we were all on the same rhythm, instead of having to adjust ourselves to the non-baby-having rhythm (or make the non-baby-havers adjust to us). Silly, I know, but I was surprised at how much of a difference it made in my enjoyment of the weekend. The excellent company, glorious weather and healthy servings of booze didn’t hurt, either.

And the Hatchling, of course, had the time of her life. There was a tea party,

Tea party

beach lounging,

Sittin' in the water, playin with the houseboat

piano playing,

Discussing a difficult passage

and much exploring.

Bathing Beauty

It was a nice way to kick off the summer.

Two weeks of turning one: a photo narrative

As befits the only granddaughter and the youngest member of a very large family, the Hatchling had quite an extended series of first birthday celebrations. It started with a little family fete at home on the night of her birthday. We opened a few presents, and more importantly, ate cupcakes for the very first time:


You’d think we’d have stopped there …

Have you ever been hexed by a baby? Because this is what it looks like.

But no. Some friends stopped by with more presents, including tissue paper! Which is our favorite snack!!

And by "play with" I mean "eat"

And then that weekend, there was a bigger party at Gramma and Grampa’s house, with MORE presents, and MORE ribbons:

Presents are nice

The Mamala made some yummy lemon cupcakes,

Homemade Lemon Cupcakes

but initially we were extremely uninterested.

Nooooo. No cupcake!

Pretty soon we came around, though, and decided they were pretty yummy.

Yep, that's pretty good, too!

And THEN, to top it off, we had yet ANOTHER party, this time with lots of other kids around the same age (and their parents):

Rin and Fiona
Heather, Kai, and Lula
Quinn gets a bite of cake from Daddy

So: we are now One, with a vengeance. And Mamala is looking forward to some time not spent planning for parties. Whew.

That Than Which There Can be Nothing Cuter

Unlike some other prodigy babies, the Hatchling didn’t figure out how to clap until last Friday, when she somehow learned it literally overnight. Thursday, nothing doing; Friday morning, I got her up and brought her into bed with us and when Mr. Squab got up to get dressed, she started clapping and laughing like she’d been doing it her whole life. Now she does it every morning, and I’ll tell you: if you’ve got to get up at what I once considered the ungodly hour of 7:00 am, there’s no better way to do it than with a small person who is so delighted to see you, so delighted to start the day in your company, that she just can’t help but clap and laugh out loud.

Mutton dressed as totally rockin’ lamb

So, last night I went to see Justin Timberlake and Pink in concert. I got the ticket from my future sister-in-law, who wanted to go with someone who would “enjoy the concert without irony” (i.e., not my brother). Now, it’s true, JT is one of my guilty pleasures – hell, not even that guilty: have you seen him on SNL? But that said, I have to admit I was feeling a little foolish before we went. I mean, you know, I’m not twelve (mental age notwithstanding). And while I have his CDs and some of Pink’s singles, it’s not like I know them by heart the way I did when I went to see Culture Club (my first concert, when I *was* twelve). I just thought it would make me feel old. And tired. But you know what? IT FUCKING ROCKED. I shit you not. It was awesome. Pink kicked some serious ass, both vocally and with some serious cirque du soleil maneuvers at the end of the set. And JT was just an amazing showman. He really seemed to be having a good time, his voice sounded incredible, and damn, that boy can dance. Also, Timbaland was on tour with him, so in addition to providing the “yeahs” on Sexyback, he did this rad intermission show, DJing some crazy stuff while the projection screens showed this montage of anime, computer animation, video clips, and 1930s cartoons. It was wild. Even better: the girls sitting next to us were not sloppy drunk, and we had an open seat on either side of us, so there was plenty of room for dancing. Best yet, at the end of the show, future sis-in-law screamed out “I LOVE YOU JUSTIN” at the top of her lungs.

In short, it ruled. So old age can stick THAT in its pipe and smoke it.

Sometimes, babies rule

To wit: This afternoon, the Hatchling took a whopping THREE HOUR LONG nap (yep, she’s still sick), and when she got up she spent five minutes trying to catch the sunbeam coming through the window.

There’s just nothing not great about that.