Category Archives: current events

God, I’m glad it’s almost over

I feel all jittery about tomorrow, even more so than usual. But one thing I will NOT miss is the mother. effing. campaign commercials. The presidential ones don’t get under my skin too much anymore, (maybe because I’m pretty optimisti about the outcome of that race) but christ, the Coleman/Franken ones are getting brutal. Coleman is such a slimebag – not only politically, but personally (you should hear some of the local stories about him) – and I’m really, really afraid he’s going to win. I have similar fears about Michele Bachmann, who I think might win despite the fact that she’s a freaking LUNATIC. But finally, it will just be good to have it all OVER. I can’t take the stress. The Hatchling and I will be heading to the polling station tomorrow morning bright and early so we can show off our “I voted” stickers all day long. And you, my lovely and educated readers? Have you already voted? Who do you think is going to win, nationally or locally? And how glad will you be to be out of election season?

Linky Bits

Howie and the Fonz being pro-Obama is not surprising, but Opie and Andy threw me for a loop, I admit.

Not that readers of this blog need convincing that federal money is better spent on the poor than the rich, but this graph is still pretty cool.

Looky, Daddy has some fabulous images for voting NO on prop 8.

I consider it a hopeful sign that even Liddy Dole is getting this desperate.

If you missed the Daily Show last night, you gotta watch this. I heart Samantha Bee:

Debate #3 Live(ish) blogging

I know, I know, I’ve been extremely delinquent of late. I’ve been trying to operate on the time-honored principle of if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all … and you can see how THAT’S turning out. Fortunately for you, my class tonight had completely blown off their assignment for today, not the first time they’ve been remiss in preparation, so I lectured them about taking their classes more seriously, gave them some additional homework, and sent them home. Hence: I can watch the debate in (almost) real time – I just have to wait for Mr. Squab to finish putting the Hatchling down and then we’ll crank up Mr. Tivo. Not that I’m expecting any major surprises tonight, but then McCain has gotta be feeling pretty desperate at this point, so you never know.

I like Bob Schieffer. I bet he’s a good Grandpa. Just sayin’.

Well, McCain definitely looks more comfortable tonight than he did at the last debate, but he still isn’t really SAYING anything (or, in fact, he’s saying nonsense: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did NOT cause the current economic situation). Whereas Obama is being nice and specific, as usual.

Is it just me, or is McCain’s “Joe the Plumber” story coming out of nowhere? Obama: “[Joe’s] been watching some ads of Senator McCain’s.” Nice. Way to not be derailed.

McCain says “spread the wealth around” like it’s a bad thing. Like we’re all gonna be, like, “ooh, COMMIE.” How does he not get that for the vast majority of the public, that sounds like a great idea?

John McCain is going to use a hatchet AND a scalpel. Now there’s an image from my nightmares. Fuck. Again with the damn projector? I think candidates should only be allowed to use any given metaphor/anecdote in ONE debate. Come up with some new material.

Ooh, McCain is getting all feisty. “I’m not Bush.” Unfortunately, this just makes him look more like Grandpa Simpson, not more like a President.

I love how McCain keeps saying that it’s clear that he’s gone against his own party, as if just saying it will make it so. Maybe he thinks he’s a magician!

OK, Schieffer just gave McGrumpy a huge opening to bring up Ayers and ACORN and all … and instead he’s basically saying that, um, his campaign has gone incredibly negative because … Obama wouldn’t agree to ten town hall meetings? Jigga-who? Obama, of course, can take the high ground here, since of course he hasn’t gone anywhere NEAR as negative as McCain. I wish Schieffer would say something here about the difference between Obama’s negative ads, which are going after McCain’s policies, and McCain’s negative ads, which are straight-out ad hominem attacks.

YES! Obama finally calls McCain/Palin out on their freaky, freaky rallies. People that McCain is, apparently, “proud” of. Sheesh.

OK, McC is bringing up Ayers and ACORN … in the same sentence. As a response to Obama’s calling for more civilized discourse. Keep it classy, McCain. This gives Obama the opening he’s been looking for to set the record straight, which he does with a nice, steady, detailed answer.

Interesting question about running mates. I wish Obama would take the opportunity to take a dig at Palin, but of course he won’t. McCain: Palin will be a good president because she understands special needs children “better than any American I know.” I’m sorry, WHAT?!?! Schieffer gives Obama a big opening to slam Palin, and he turns it into a comment on the need for increased spending for issues like autism, which McCain/Palin’s spending freeze would deny. Nice.

Is it just me, or is McCain all over the place in this debate? He’s jumping around so much with every answer it’s impossible to keep track of what he’s actually trying to say. He just went from NAFTA, to Colombia, to the drug war, to Obama’s travel plans in the space of about 30 seconds. And now Obama is Herbert Hoover. WTF?

Obama is doing a nice job giving a concise explanation of his health care plan. McCain … not so much. Fuck. Joe the Plumber again? This is an area where Obama just wipes the floor with McCain’s ass. He clearly is so much more knowledgable about this than McCain, not to mention that McCain’s plan is almost universally acknowledged to SUCK.

McCain says the average cost of a healthcare plan is $5800. Quoth Kevin Drum: “The average cost of a healthcare plan is $5,800? Maybe for an individual it is, but McCain’s $5,000 tax credit is for an entire family.” Good point.

I gotta give Schieffer credit; he’s asking some good questions and really following up. Much better than the previous two debates in my book.

McCain just said he would never and has never applied a “litmus test” for the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice. ORLY? Ezra finds evidence to the contrary.

Thank GOD Obama is coming out so strongly in favor of Roe v. Wade. He certainly hasn’t always been so clear about this, and I’m glad to hear he’s realized that this is an important issue for lots of us voters. Also GREAT nod to Ledbetter. That’s one that McCain should be grilled on at every opportunity. Interesting: When McCain talks about his prolife stance, the CNN graph shows “undecided” women with a very negative response and “undecided” men with a very positive response. I guess we know who McCain is speaking to. (Obama, meanwhile, gets high marks from both groups.)

McCain on education: Throwing money at the problem is not the answer. You will find that some of the worst schools in the country have the most money. (paraphrasing) Me: WHERE? WHERE will you find that? Give me ONE example of a school district with a lot of money and terrible outcomes! Meanwhile, I’m not totally thrilled with the Obama campaign’s apparent decision that it’s OK to diss teacher’s unions … But at least he’s not stumping for vouchers, for chrissakes.

Apparently McCain thinks that Down syndrome and autism are the same thing. Someone should really disabuse him of that notion.

Wrap-up: Neither candidate really blew me out of the water tonight, but overall I gotta call this one for Obama. McCain certainly brought the crank-ass, but his comments were largely incoherent and he seemed much more focused on getting out jabs at Obama than in presenting himself as a compelling candidate for the presidency. Obama, meanwhile, stayed substantive, coherent, and respectful. He didn’t have any explosive or game-changing moments, but then he really didn’t need them: the game is going his way, so he just had to make sure nothing derailed that. And I think he succeeded.

Post-Debate discussion

Well, I have to admit I’m a little bummed that Palin didn’t totally crash and burn, BUT: I thought Biden knocked this one out of the park. Man, was he in good form – substantive, passionate, pithy, informed, on point. Palin, as far as I could tell, was all platitudes and talking points with a healthy dose of caffeine and “folksiness” thrown on top. When I could even understand what she was saying, it was empty and meaningless, and while she didn’t have that deer-in-the-headlights look that she did during the Couric interview, I can’t imagine that anyone could watch this and NOT understand how much more Biden knows about … like, everything. I have to say, I’m liking Biden more and more as this campaign goes on (not that I didn’t like him before, I just didn’t feel super excited about him). He sure as shit brought his A game tonight. What did you think?

(Also, if you’re interested in some excellent liveblogging of the debate, you can’t do better than Ezra.)


OK, I’ve gotten this link from about five different people, so I figured I’d better post it. Might make the debate more fun, less cringing. I will not be able to live-blog tonight, as I have to attend a rehearsal, but we’ll record the debate and I might “live” blog my responses as I watch it when I get home. Hafta wait and see. In the meantime, consider this a handy spot in which to post your expectations and early responses.

Oh, and also – DON’T VOTE.

(Basely stolen from eWAC.)

Quote of the day

Ezra sez,

“The Washington Post has a nice fact-check piece on Sarah Palin’s claim Alaska produces “nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.” This, it turns out, is not true. It’s not near true. It’s not good friends with true. It doesn’t go to parties with true, and occasionally sleep with true when it gets lonely. Rather, it’s false.”



I’m currently at an undisclosed cabin location somewhere in western Wisconsin, enjoying a week “off” with family and friends. Blogging will be light to nonexistent, much like the DSL signal here. Regular blogging will resume next week. In the meantime, here’s hoping that Gustav calms the fuck down and leaves the Louisiana coast alone.

Jigga WHO?

So McCain chose … Sarah Palin as his running mate? This no computey. The main thrust of your argument against your opponent is his lack of experience, and you pick a woman with less than a year in office as your running mate? Whose previous experience was as mayor of a town of 3000? How does this make sense?

In other news

Someone was just shot in the alley across the street; we heard the shots, then two men’s voices yelling, and just as we were thinking we should call 911 three squad cars roared up and started taping off the area. I mean, they were FAST. I guess that’s good … I mean, it’s definitely good that they came so fast, but could we please quit with the shootings on my block? Please?

It’s about damn time

I must say, I found this year’s Democratic Convention almost totally satisfactory – a rare response the last few election years. Hillary: knocked it out of the park. Bill: home run. Joe Biden: a good start. Obama: legendary. I know the GOP attack machine is just getting geared up, and there’s a long, vicious road to go, but I honestly think the Dems put up the strongest front they have in years. I mean, would YOU want to follow that closing image? A jam-packed arena stadium filled with screaming, inspired democratic voters? You know the GOP operatives are scrambling tonight … and that’s a result I quite enjoy.